Our AI on par with humans?

The first step in orthopedic deep learning. The image is CC from Pixabay.

We finally published our first article on deep learning (a form of artificial intelligence, AI) in orthopedics! We got standard off-the-shelf neural networks to perform equally well as senior orthopedic surgeons for identifying fractures. This was under the premise that both the network and the surgeons reviewed the same down-scaled images. Nevertheless, this was better than we expected and verifies my belief that deep learning is suitable for analyzing orthopedic radiographs. Continue reading

Integration between torchnet and torch-dataframe – a closer look at the mnist example

It's all about the numbers and getting the tensors right. The image is cc by David Asch .

It’s all about the numbers and getting the tensors right. The image is cc by David Asch

In previous posts we’ve looked into the basic structure of the torch-dataframe package. In this post we’ll go through the [mnist example][mnist ex] that shows how to best integrate the dataframe with [torchnet](https://github.com/torchnet/torchnet). Continue reading

The torch-dataframe – subsetting and sampling

Subsetting and batching is like dealing cards - should be random unless you are doing a trick. The image is cc from Steven Depolo.

Subsetting and batching is like dealing cards – should be random unless you are doing a trick. The image is cc from Steven Depolo.

In my previous two posts I covered the most basic data manipulation that you may need. In this post I’ll try to give a quick introduction to some of the sampling methods that we can use in our machine learning projects. Continue reading

The torch-dataframe – basics on modifications

Forming your data to your needs is crucial. The image i cc by Lennart Tange.

Forming your data to your needs is crucial. The image i cc by Lennart Tange.

In my [previous post][intro post] we took a look at some of the basic functionality. In this post I’ll try to show how to manipulate your dataframe. Note though, the [torch-dataframe][tdf github] is not about data munging, there are far more powerful tools in other languages for this. The aim of the modifications is to do simple tasks without being forced to switch to a different language. Continue reading

Deep learning with torch-dataframe – a gentle introduction to Torch

[![A solid concrete foundation is always important. The image is cc by Sharon Pazner ](http://gforge.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Lego-house-concrete.jpg)](http://gforge.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Lego-house-concrete.jpg) A solid concrete foundation is always important. The image is cc by[
Sharon Pazner

Handling [tabular data](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_(information)) is generally at the heart of most research projects. As I started exploring [Torch](http://torch.ch/) that uses the [Lua](https://www.lua.org/) language for [deep learning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning) I was surprised that there was no package that would correspond to the functionality available in R’s [data.frame](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/data.frame.html). After some searching I found Alex Mili’s [torch-dataframe](https://github.com/AlexMili/torch-dataframe) package that I decided to update to my needs. We have during the past few months been developing the package and it has now made it onto the Torch [cheat sheet](https://github.com/torch/torch7/wiki/Cheatsheet#data-formats) (partly the reason for the posting scarcity lately). This series of posts provide a short introduction to the package (version 1.5) and examples of how to implement basic networks in Torch. Continue reading