A recent study from Denmark by Lalmohamed et al. looked at stroke risk after total hip replacements. It is interesting as this is a severe disease that can have a major impact on the life after a total hip arthroplasty. Even if it’s a rare event, the rates are similar to other serious negative outcomes such as early infections (less than 1%), and therefore just as valid endpoint to study. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2013
Exporting plain, lattice, or ggplot graphics
In a recent post I compared the Cairo packages with the base package for exporting graphs. Matt Neilson was kind enough to share in a comment that the Cairo library is now by default included in R, although you need to specify the type=”cairo” option to invoke it. In this post I examine how the ggplot and the lattice packages behave when exporting. Continue reading
Dr. when can I drive again?
As an orthopaedic surgeon I’m often confronted by patients asking me when they can return to driving. While this is a natural question, the answer is surprisingly difficult for us doctors. It is therefore nice to read MacLeod et al.’s and Fleury et al.’s excellent reviews on this subject, and yes: I’ve thankfully been in line with the evidence. Continue reading